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30 Best Avatar Episodes (2024 UPDATED) Ultimate Guide

30 Best Avatar Episodes (2024 UPDATED) Ultimate Guide

"Long ago, four nations lived together in harmony" is the famous introduction of one of the highest-rated animated series of all time, Avatar. And while this introduction is very remarkable, Avatar proved that cartoons are not just for kids.

Our team compiled the top 30 (in no particular order) avatar episodes since we can't get enough of the best episodes of Avatar. Spoilers ahead! 

Top 30 Avatar Episodes of All Time 

1. Lake Laogai (Book 2, Episode 13)

1. Lake Laogai (Book 2, Episode 13)

Lake Laogai revolves around choosing your destiny. While the group searches for Appa, they run into Jet, who lies about Appa's whereabouts but eventually breaks Jet's brainwashing. 

As they travel to a facility located under Lake Laogai, hoping to find Appa, Zuko finds him before Aang does with the help of the Blue Spirit. Iroh explains to Zuko about the destiny he is trying to choose. Iroh also berates Zuko for not thinking about his plans. Zuko then lets Appa go to Aang and gives up his Blue Spirit disguise. 

2. The Storm (Book 1, Episode 12)

2. The Storm (Book 1, Episode 12)

Episode 12 of Book 1 is the turning point of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The episode is about Aang and Zuko's origin. In this episode, it was revealed that Zuko, the antagonist, is not as evil as we thought, and Aang wasn't heroic before. 

Aang revealed to Katara that he disappeared for 100 years because of guilt on a stormy day, which caused the Fire Nation to rise to power. On the other hand, Zuko was banished and was burned by his father.

3. The City Of Walls And Secrets (Book 2, Episode 14)

3. The City Of Walls And Secrets (Book 2, Episode 14)

Together with the team, Aang arrived in Ba Sing Se to find Appa and talk to the Earth King about the Black Sun. However, their tour guide, Joo Dee, keeps on hindering them from talking to the King. Katara devised a plan to sneak into a party to meet the Earth King, but Long Feng greeted them. 

It turns out that the King has no power, and Long Feng controls the city to ensure that there is no war in Ba Sing Se. If they speak out, Long Feng indirectly threatens them about finding Appa and will be watched 24/7.

4. Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into The Inferno (Book 3, Episode 20)

4. Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into The Inferno (Book 3, Episode 20)

In Sozin's Comet Part 3, Aang confronts Ozai, and his past life tells him to betray his principles and take the life of Firelord Ozai. However, Aang's peaceful nature prevailed, resulting in Lord Ozai overpowering the Avatar [1]. 

On the contrary, Azula's mental state begins to deteriorate as her coronation as the Fire Lord approaches. Zuko and Katara interrupted the ceremony as the ceremony began, and Azula challenged her brother with Agni Kai for the crown. 

Unfortunately, Zuko was injured with the bolt meant for Katara. At the end of the episode, Zuko and Iroh reunite, and everyone cries. 

5. Sokka's Master (Book 3, Episode 4)

5. Sokka's Master (Book 3, Episode 4)

When Team Avatar saved a town from destruction by a meteorite, Sokka felt left behind. In the rest of the group, he is the only person who cannot bend. He then finds the swordmaster, Piando, to help him develop his skills as a warrior. 

Sokka learns to forge his sword using the meteorite, and Piandao teaches him the weapon's versatility. The team misses Sokka and tries to joke around his absence, but they have no success. On the other side, Iroh devised a plan to escape the prison by getting ripped. 

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6. The Beach (Book 3, Episode 5)

6. The Beach (Book 3, Episode 5)

When Zuko, Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai were sent on a forced vacation, they attempted to behave like a normal teenager, but they failed. Before the night ends, the four-headed back to Chan's party and began trashing the house. The four villains united for the first time in years. 

On the other hand, Aang and his team try to relax in a secluded hot spring where they assume the enemies will not spot them. Unfortunately, their team was recognized, and Fire Lord Ozai received the news that the Avatar was alive. A mysterious assassin attacked the team with firebending capabilities. 

7. Sozin's Comet (Book 3, Episode 16)

7. Sozin's Comet (Book 3, Episode 16)

After Sozin's comet passes, Aang decides to fight the Fire Lord. However, his firebending skills need mastery. Zuko then revealed that Lord Ozai plans to burn the entire Earth Kingdom with Sozin's comet power. 

The team began the training, but Aang struggled with his friend's decision to kill Lord Ozai against his principles. Aang is then drawn to a mysterious island, and Momo follows him, and his friends cannot locate him. Ozai bequeaths the throne to Azula while Aang awakens on the unknown island. Find out if Avatar: The Last Airbender is an anime here

8. Sozin's Comet: Part 4 – Avatar Aang (Book 3, Episode 2)

8. Sozin's Comet: Part 4 – Avatar Aang (Book 3, Episode 2)

In Sozin's Comet Part 4, the fight between Aang and Ozai, Ozai accidentally unlocks Aang's chakra that made him enter the Avatar State. The episode climaxes as Aang chooses to win the fight by using an ancient form of bending. He defeated the Phoenix King in the final battle without taking his life. 

Sokka and Toph disabled the Fire Nation airships, and the Order of White Lotus successfully liberated Ba Sing Se. As Zuko was injured in Agni Kai, Katara defeated Azula and healed Zuko's injuries. The newly appointed Fire Lord then declared that the war was over, and they all celebrated. 

9. The Avatar And The Fire Lord (Book 3, Episode 6)

9. The Avatar And The Fire Lord (Book 3, Episode 6)

In another double whammy, Aang and Zuko have their epic flashback that dives into the relationship between Fire Lord Sozin, Zuko's great grandfather, and Avatar Roku, Aang's predecessor. The friendship built between Zuko's great grandfather and previous Avatar Roku falls out as the Fire Lord aspires to expand their nation, sacrificing other nations. 

The jaw-dropping revelation of Zuko's maternal great grandfather is Avatar Roku, and Zuko's lifelong struggle with choosing good and evil was the legacy of his ancestors. 

10. The Blind Bandit (Book 2, Episode 6)

10. The Blind Bandit (Book 2, Episode 6)

The Blind Bandit revolves around the blind 12-year-old girl recruited by Aang to complete the five-person team. During an earthbending tournament, Toph easily won over-muscled fighters using her effortless earthbending skills. 

Toph, who lives a double life of being a daughter of a wealthy family and a famous earthbender, will now become Aang's earthbending master. Toph's personality is compared to a tsunami--angry, blunt, and rude that can shake the harmonious ensemble of the team. 

11. The Blue Spirit (Book 1, Episode 13)

11. The Blue Spirit (Book 1, Episode 13)

It is the turning point of Zuko from being an antagonist to a complicated ally. In the recap episode, Aang was captured by Admiral Zhao, and his friends were immobilized due to cold. It seems that in this chapter, Avatar: The Last Airbender will come to an end. 

However, a mysterious masked figure, Blue Spirit, rescued Aang out of jail. The blue spirit is no other than Zuko, who happens to be Aang's sworn enemy. Isn't it confusing? Zhao happens to be Zuko's bigger enemy, but what is his intention of saving the last Airbender?

12. The Boiling Rock (Book 3, Episode 13)

12. The Boiling Rock (Book 3, Episode 13)

In the first part of the Boiling Rock, Zuko and Sokka manage to get into the high-security to save Sokka's father. They find Sokka's Dad and Suki, devise a new plan to escape by creating a prison riot and kidnapping the warden.

But the plan was almost ruined because of Mai, Azula, and Ty Lee visiting the prison. However, Mai strangely helps the four escape, and Ty Lee attacks her for betraying the Fire Nation. In the end, Azula imprisoned two of his closest allies.  

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13. The Chase (Book 2, Episode 8)

13. The Chase (Book 2, Episode 8)

A good tale is as good as their villain, and in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Azula is the greatest villain. The Fire Nation Princess, who has a chilling charisma and ruthless maneuvers, surpass the Fire Lord Ozai. 

In the Chase, after Aang's team welcomed Toph, they were chased by a relentless mysterious machine which made it impossible for them to stop or sleep. Because of their restlessness, everyone on the team became irritable, and a quarrel between them happened. 

Aang acts as a decoy, but Azula corners him. The team almost took down Azula, but she managed to injure Iroh and then escaped.

14. The Ember Island Players (Book 3, Episode 15)

14. The Ember Island Players (Book 3, Episode 15)

The Ember Island Players is a filler episode and a comedic breather that breaks the intense and heavy plot on the best episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The fans love the Ember Island Players because of its traditional structure with a meta twist. 

The episode is full of hilarious one-liners and nods, constantly crying Katara, Zuko's absurd hairstyles, and jokes about "honor". The episode is a halt for the group despite their growing anxieties about the battle against the Fire Nation. 

15. The Firebending Masters (Book 3, Episode 12)

15. The Firebending Masters (Book 3, Episode 12)

After their defeat in the Fire Nation, the team travels to the Western Air Temple to seek refuge. The whole gang has to walk because Appa is tired of carrying so many people. Zuko arrives first, descends into the temple, and recalls his first week after he banishes with fresh burns and bandages. 

He reached out to Aang to join their team and prove his character development, but Katara remains doubtful of his intention. After saving the team from the Cumbustion Man, Aang accepts him as his firebending teacher, but she warns him about the consequences. 

16. The Firebending Masters, Book 3, Episode 13

16. The Firebending Masters, Book 3, Episode 13

As Zuko switched sides and joined the Team Avatar, he prepared to teach Aang, the Last Airbender, firebending. However, he loses his firebending abilities. With this, the two of them decided to travel to the ancient civilization of firebenders, the Sun Warriors.

The last two survivors on the original firebenders are the two dragons, Ran and Shaw. For Aang and Suzu to face the Firebending Masters, they have to prove that they are worthy. Fortunately, they passed the test, and the firebending masters taught them; Zuko's firebending ability was also restored. 

17. The Guru/The Crossroads Of Destiny (Book 2, Episode 18)

17. The Guru/The Crossroads Of Destiny (Book 2, Episode 18)

Azula became the ruler of Ba Sing Se, and the Team Avatar, along with Iroh and his nephew, is in defense. Azula claims that the Earth Kingdom is a city for the Fire Nation and the team's alliance easily broke down. 

Zuko made the ultimate wrong choice of betraying Aang and his uncle to side with Azula. With the strong power of Azula, he managed to defeat Long Feng and struck down Aang with her lightning bolt. Aang was in his vulnerable Avatar state, but Katara managed to bring him back from the dead.

18. The Painted Lady (Book 3, Episode 3)

18. The Painted Lady (Book 3, Episode 3)

In this episode, Katara showcased her selflessness, bravery and did not neglect reality. A Village in Fire Nation is filled with sick and starving people, and Katara can't help but took extreme measures to heal the sick and provide food. 

She disguised herself as the Painted Lady, the river spirit of the locals, and healed the sick people and gave them food as they slept. Aang discovered her selfless action, so they blew up the enemy's military supplies. 

19. The Puppetmaster (Book 3, Episode 8)

19. The Puppetmaster (Book 3, Episode 8)

The Puppetmaster is one of the most disturbing but best episodes in the Avatar: The Last Airbender. When the main characters stop in a small town, they hear a lot of tales about people disappearing in the woods during the full moon. 

They then befriend Hama, an elderly innkeeper who presented herself as a waterbender who escaped from the prison. Katara was thrilled to learn from Hama, who taught her how to bend water. However, Sokka discovers that Hama was behind the disappearances of the people in the village and uses it for horrifying bloodbending. 

20. The Siege Of The North (Book 1, Episodes 19)

20. The Siege Of The North (Book 1, Episodes 19)

In the penultimate episode of the first season, the Fire Nation's armada prepares to attack the Northern Water Tribe. The Tribe, along with Sokka, prepares for defense since Yue said she could not be connected with him anymore. Iroh and Zhao lead the invasion, and the Tribe is battling for the entire day. 

On the other hand, Prince Zuko created his Tribe to search for Avatar Aang. As Aang learns to venture into the Spirit World and Katara is on his side to protect him, Zuko enters. Princess Yue seeks help leaving the two. 

However, as the sun rises, Zuko's firebending increases, and he manages to win. Prince Zuko then kidnaps Aang's body and leaves Katara unconscious. 

21. The Siege Of The North: Part 2 (Book 1, Episode 20)

21. The Siege Of The North: Part 2 (Book 1, Episode 20)

At the end of the first season, The Siege of the North Part 2 gave us a realistic ending. Avatar: The Last Airbender episodes are filled with sacrifices, tragedy, and loss. As the Fire Nation invades the city, the Team Avatar searches for Zuko and Aang. 

While Aang's spirit is fighting Koh, the face stealer, Zuko is struggling to find a refuge on the frozen waste of the North Pole. Fortunately, the returning spirit of Aang guides the three, but it is too late for them to stop Zhao from slaying the Moon Spirit in mortal form. The episode ends with all waterbenders lose their ability to waterbend. 

22. The Southern Air Temple (Book 1, Episode 3)

22. The Southern Air Temple (Book 1, Episode 3)

In one of the best episodes, Aang suggested visiting the Southern Air Temple, where he recalls his old mentor, friends, and the games he used to play. Aang learned that the Fire Nation had eradicated the Air Nomads and discovered Gyatso's skeleton. Aang got angry and entered the Avatar State. With this, the world was alerted that the Last Airbender had returned. 

On the contrary, Zuko and Iroh run into Commander Zhao after finding out that the Avatar, the Last Airbender, has returned. He and Zhao had a duel to decide who would track the Avatar, and Zuko won. 

23. The Tales Of Ba Sing Se, Book 2, Episode 15

23. The Tales Of Ba Sing Se, Book 2, Episode 15

It was a simple day for the Team Avatar. The Tales of Ba Sing Se is an emotional episode that brought tears to all the fans. The episode flashes back to the story of Iroh, who wanders around Ba Sing Se and helps everyone who crosses paths with him. 

At the end of his wanderings in the Ba Sing Se, he set up an altar for his son. It was his son's death anniversary, and he sang "Leaves from the Vine" in a shaking and sad voice. The segment was also dedicated to the late Mako, who first voiced Iroh. 

24. The Warriors Of Kyoshi (Book 1, Episode 4)

24. The Warriors Of Kyoshi (Book 1, Episode 4)

In this episode, Aang decided to bring Katara and Sokka to Kyoshi Island to ride a giant Koi fish. However, after their close encounter with unagi, Team Avatar was captured by the group of female warriors. Avatar Kyoshi and the villagers did not believe that Aang was the reincarnation of Kyoshi Island's founder, so he demonstrated his airbending skills.

Zuko received the news and arrived on the island, and attacked the whole village. Before the Team Avatar departs, Aang ride and controls the unagi to douse the flames on the village and save it from total ruin. 

25. Zuko Alone (Book 2, Episode 7)

25. Zuko Alone (Book 2, Episode 7)

The chapter revolves around Zuko when he parted ways with his uncle and lived alone as the disgraced outcast prince of the Fire Nation. He became a poor boy that the Earth Kingdom military thugs are terrorizing. 

He struggles with his tortured past while reckoning with the horrors of the war. The story ends with a sad and bitter note that Zuko's good deeds were brushed aside by people he was trying to help. 

26. The Day Of The Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion (Book 3, Episode 10)

26. The Day Of The Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion (Book 3, Episode 10)

On the day of the invasion, the Last Airbender greets everyone with confidence in his mind that he can face the Fire Lord. Aang plans to use a different approach to win over the Fire Lord. 

On the other hand, Hakoda, with his ragtag team he met during their adventures, returned. They were able to infiltrate the Fire Nation Capital and breaks through multiple security barriers. At the beginning of the black sun, Aang reaches the Fire Lord's palace, but Aang finds no one home. 

27. The Waterbending Master (Book 1, Episode 18)

27. The Waterbending Master (Book 1, Episode 18)

When the group arrives at the Northern Water Tribe, the tribe leader throws a huge welcome party for the Avatar's arrival. Aang and Katara seek to learn waterbending, but the waterbending master Pakku declined to teach her due to sexist custom.

Aang tried to teach her secretly but was caught, so he was also removed from the program. Katara was determined and eager to learn waterbending, so she challenged Pakku. She loses, but since Pakku learned that she was the granddaughter of the woman he loved, he decided to teach the two. Zhao attempted to assassinate Suko, but he survived. 

28. The Awakening (Book 3, Episode 1)

28. The Awakening (Book 3, Episode 1)

In the first episode of Book 3, Zuko and Azula were welcomed as heroes of the Fire Nation. Fire Lord Ozai congratulates his son, Zuko, as Azula told him that he struck Aang down. However, he believes that the Avatar has survived. 

On the other hand, Aang awakens with a gravely wounded state on a Fire Nation ship stolen by his friends. Shocked and dismayed, Aang learned that the whole world believed that he was dead. The episode ends with Aang deciding to keep his existence a secret.  

29. The Southern Raiders (Book 3, Episode 16)

29. The Southern Raiders (Book 3, Episode 16)

In the episode of Souther Raiders, Katara's dark side showed. Since Zuko is trying to team up with the gang, Katara and Zuko go on a mission to track the killer of Katara's mother. 

Despite Aang's lecture that vengeance is not the solution, the two still decided to look for the killer. The Southern Raiders is an episode full of heartbreak, anger, forgiveness, and cool action. 

30. The Desert (Book 2, Episode 11)

30. The Desert (Book 2, Episode 11)

The team was trapped in a Desert, and no one in the team was happy about it. They have to walk across the desert to tell the Earth King about the secret of the Fire Nation. Appa, their only means of transportation, was stolen, which created a commotion between Toph and Aang. 

Meanwhile, Uncle Iroh and Zuko were secretly helped by society to protect them against the Fire Nations and the bounty hunters. 


What is the scariest episode of Avatar?

The Puppetmaster is the scariest episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The team visited a creepy village where there were mysterious disappearances in the nearby woods. The episode is breathtaking and disturbing at the same time. 

What episodes of Avatar should I skip?

You can skip The Great Divide (11), The Fortune-Teller (14), The Painted Lady (43), The Runaway (47), and Nightmares and Daydreams (49). These episodes from Avatar: The Last Airbender can be skipped without missing out on the main action. 

How long will it take to watch all the avatar episodes?

It will take you 30 hours and 30 minutes to watch all the Avatar episodes. If you binge-watch the whole episode, binge-watching it for three days is acceptable. If you're also wondering about Steven Spielberg's Avatar movies, here's a list! 

Wrapping Up!  

The Avatar: The Last Airbender is a world-class animated series of all time. People of all ages made this series popular and one of the highest-rated American animated television series. 

The best Avatar episodes are jampacked with different issues about love, friendship, war, discrimination, imperialism, and more. The series features well-developed characters that mature from the beginning to the end of the story. The series proved that cartoons are not just for kids. 

For Avatar merch, we've got a long list right here at Toynk! 

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