Did you know that there are 112 different powerful flying type Pokémon, Generation 19? That means at least 11.03% of all Pokemon can learn flying-type moves.
Flying-type Pokémon are immune to ground types and allow the trainer to fly directly to a town that he needs to go to.
If you want to have a flying Pokémon, check out our list of the best flying type Pokemons for every trainer out there.
Top 25 Flying Type Pokemons of All Time
1. Pelipper

- Base Stats: HP: 60, Atk: 50, Def: 100, Sp.Atk: 95, Sp.Def: 70, Speed: 65
- Type Effectiveness: Powerful Pokémon against fire, fighting, water, bug, steel
- Evolution Line: Wingull - Pelipper
- Abilities: Keen Eye, Drizzle, and Rain Dish, making it a good Pokemon for a rain team.
2. Charizard

- Base Stats: HP: 78, Atk: 85, Def: 78, Sp.Atk: 109, Sp.Def: 85, Speed: 100
- Type Effectiveness: Best Pokémon against fire, grass, fight, bug, steel, and fairy
- Evolution Line: Charmander - Charmeleon - Charizard. It also has a mega form like Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y with their own special attacks [1].
- Abilities: Blaze and Solar Power
(Pokémon Sword has a strong Charizard with almost the same abilities as other versions.)
3. Corviknight

- Base Stats: HP: 98, Atk: 87, Def: 105, Sp.Atk: 53, Sp.Def: 85, Speed: 67
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against grass, normal, flying, psychic, bug, dragon, fairy, and steel. Immune against poison and ground.
- Evolution Line: Rookidee - Corvisquire - Corviknight
- Abilities: Pressure, Unnerve, and Mirror Armor. (Corviknight has the same abilities in Pokémon Sword.)
4. Mega Pidgeot

- Base Stats: HP: 83, Atk: 80, Def: 80, Sp.Atk: 135, Sp.Def: 80, Speed: 121
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against bug and grass-type Pokemon. Immune to ghost-type Pokemon.
- Evolution Line: Pidgey - Pidgeotto - Pidgeot - Mega Pidgeot
- Abilities: No Guard amplifies the accuracy of all known moves. Keen Eye, Tangled Feet, and Big Pecks are sure to hit their opponents.
5. Landorus

- Base Stats: HP: 89, Atk: 125, Def: 90, Sp.Atk: 115, Sp.Def: 80, Speed: 101
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against fight, bug, and poison. Immune to electric-type
- Evolution Line: Typically Incarnate form but can turn into Therian form in Pokemon Dream Radar
- Abilities: Sand Force, Sheer Force, and Intimidate (only in Therian form)
6. Kantonian Zapdos
- Base Stats: HP: 90, Atk: 90, Def: 85, Sp.Atk: 125, Sp.Def: 90, Speed: 100
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against grass, fight, flying, bug, and steel-type
- Evolution Line: No evolution
- Abilities: Their main abilities depend on the form. The legendary birds have Pressure, Static and Defiant.
(Great defensive typing Pokemon because of its few weaknesses and many strengths.)
7. Dragonite

- Base Stats: HP: 91, Atk: 134, Def: 95, Sp.Atk: 100, Sp.Def: 100, Speed: 80
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against fire, water, grass, bug, and fight types
- Evolution Line: Dratini - Dragonair - Dragonite
- Abilities: Inner Focus prevents flinching. It has Multiscale ability and Air Slash and can learn dragon-type moves like Dragon Dance.
8. Salamence

- Base Stats: HP: 95, Atk: 135, Def: 80, Sp.Atk: 110, Sp.Def: 80, Speed: 100
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against fire, water, grass, bug, and fight types
- Evolution Line: Bagon - Shelgon - Salamence
- Abilities: Intimidate, Hidden Ability Moxie, Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, and Double Edge
9. Staraptor

- Base Stats: HP: 85, Atk: 120, Def: 70, Sp.Atk: 50, Sp.Def: 60, Speed: 100
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against bug and grass types
- Evolution Line: Starvy - Staravia - Staraptor
- Abilities: Not the strongest flying Pokemon but its skills like Intimidate can decrease the stats of the opponent
10. Lugia

- Base Stats: HP: 106, Atk: 90, Def: 130, Sp.Atk: 90, Sp.Def: 154, Speed: 110
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against grass, psychic, and fighting types
- Evolution Line: A legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Silver, which is why it has no evolution line.
- Abilities: Pressure and ability Multiscale can deal massive damage.
11. Yveltal

- Base Stats: HP: 126, Atk: 131, Def: 95, Sp.Atk: 131, Sp.Def: 98, Speed: 99
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against grass, ghost, and dark types.
- Evolution Line: No evolution line
- Abilities: Dark Aura, Oblivion Wing, and Solid Bulk
12. Hawlucha

- Base Stats: HP: 78, Atk: 92, Def: 75, Sp.Atk: 74, Sp.Def: 63, Speed: 118
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against bug, dark, fight, grass
- Evolution Line: No evolution line
- Abilities: Limber, Unburden, and Mold Breaker (hidden ability)
13. Gliscor

- Base Stats: HP: 75, Atk: 95, Def: 125, Sp.Atk: 45, Sp.Def: 75, Speed: 95
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against fight, bug, and poison. Immune to electric types
- Evolution Line: Gligar - Gliscor
- Abilities: Hyper Cutter, Sand Veil, Toxic Orb, Stealth Rock, Poison Heal, and Swords Dance
(Gliscor is one of the best flying types and strongest Pokemon with super effective attacks against other Pokemon. Dedicated trainers will always have full health with this Pokemon.)
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14. Aerodactyl

- Base Stats: HP: 80, Atk: 105, Def: 65, Sp.Atk: 60, Sp.Def: 75, Speed: 130
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against normal, bug, poison, flying, fire
- Evolution Line: Obtained via Amber fossil (Pokemon Red), and by using Rock Smash on rocks (Pokemon Y). You can mega evolve it to Mega Aerodactyl.
- Abilities: Rock head, Pressure, Unnerve, and the special attack Stone Edge
15. Braviary

- Base Stats: HP: 100, Atk: 123, Def: 75, Sp.Atk: 57, Sp.Def: 75, Speed: 80
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against grass, bug, and ghost types
- Evolution Line: Rufflet - Unovan/Hisuan Braviary
- Abilities: Keen Eye, Sheer Force, and Defiant
16. Noivern

- Base Stats: HP: 85, Atk: 70, Def: 80, Sp.Atk: 97, Sp.Def: 80, Speed: 123
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against fire, water, grass, fight, bug
- Evolution Line: Noibat - Noivern
- Abilities: Frisk, Infiltrator, and Telepathy
17. Togekiss

- Base Stats: HP: 85, Atk: 50, Def: 95, Sp.Atk: 120, Sp.Def: 115, Speed: 80
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against grass, fight, dark, bug
- Evolution Line: Togepi - Togetic - Togekiss (Use shiny stone)
- Abilities: Hustle, Serene Grace, and Super Luck
18. Skarmory

- Base Stats: HP: 65, Atk: 80, Def: 140, Sp.Atk: 40, Sp.Def: 70, Speed: 70
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against normal, grass, flying, psychic, dragon, steel, and fairy types. Immune to poison type.
- Evolution Line: No evolution line
- Abilities: Keen Eye, Sturdy, and Weak Armor. Its special defense is what inspired the name of this Pokemon.
(It is immune to one-hit KO moves and will always have a remaining low HP of 1 point.)
19. Moltres

- Base Stats: HP: 90, Atk: 100, Def: 90, Sp.Atk: 125, Sp.Def: 85, Speed: 90
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against fire, fight, grass, bug, steel, and fairy types.
- Evolution Line: Like other legendaries, it does not have an evolution line or mega evolution [2].
- Abilities: Pressure and Flame Body, can also learn Brave Bird and Fire Blast (two of the strongest flying type attacks)
20. Ho-Oh

- Base Stats: HP: 106, Atk: 130, Def: 90, Sp.Atk: 110, Sp.Def: 154, Speed: 90
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against fire, grass, bug, steel, and fairy types.
- Evolution Line: No evolution line
- Abilities: Pressure, and Regenerator, can also learn Sky Attack (a powerful special attack of flying Pokemon.)
21. Articuno

- Base Stats: HP: 90, Atk: 85, Def: 100, Sp.Atk: 95, Sp.Def: 125, Speed: 85
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against grass, and bug types.
- Evolution Line: Being one of the Legendary birds, Articuno does not have an evolution line.
- Abilities: Pressure and Snow Cloak, can also learn Aerial Ace
22. Rayquaza

- Base Stats: HP: 105, Atk: 150, Def: 90, Sp.Atk: 150, Sp.Def: 90, Speed: 95
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against fire, water, grass, bug, and fight types.
- Evolution Line: Rayquaza - Mega Rayquaza.
- Abilities: A very powerful Pokemon in Pokémon Emerald with unbridled power. His signature move as Mega Rayquaza is Delta Stream.
23. Shadow Moltres

- Base Stats: HP: 90, Atk: 100, Def: 90, Sp.Atk: 125, Sp.Def: 85, Speed: 90
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against fire, grass, bug, fairy, steel, and fight types.
- Evolution Line: No evolution line
- Abilities: As one of the best flying type Pokemon in-game. This Legendary Pokemon uses Fire Blast, Heat Wave, and Ancient Power.
(It has a special attack called “Overheat” that decreases the user's attack in one stage.)
24. Talonflame

- Base Stats: HP: 78, Atk: 81, Def: 71, Sp.Atk: 74, Sp.Def: 69, Speed: 126
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against fire, grass, bug, steel, fairy, and fight types.
- Evolution Line: Fletchling - Fletchinder - Talonflame
- Abilities: Flame Body, Gale Wings, U-Turn
25. Altaria

- Base Stats: HP: 75, Atk: 70, Def: 90, Sp.Atk: 70, Sp.Def: 105, Speed: 80
- Type Effectiveness: Strong against fire, water, grass, fight, and bug types.
- Evolution Line: Swablu - Altaria - Mega Altaria
- Abilities: Natural Cure and Cloud Nine
What is the best non-legendary Flying-type Pokemon?
The best flying type Pokemon outside the legendary trio is also one of the powerful Pokemon, Dragonite.
While it doesn’t have special defense abilities, it has one of the highest base stats and dragon types skills.
Who is the fastest Flying Pokemon?
The fastest flying Pokemon is Ninjask, a bug/flying Pokemon introduced in Generation 3, with a speed stat of 160.
Up, Up & Away
Flying types, even the strongest ones, could be weak against an ice type, ground type, and rock type. Note that some ground type (and rock types) moves can inflict heavy damage on them.
Every Pokemon has the chance to be the best Pokemon no matter their offensive stats, given the proper training.
If you’re looking for authentic Pokemon merchandise, make sure to check Toynk out.
- https://www.sportskeeda.com/pokemon/is-mega-charizard-x-y-better-pokemon-go
- https://www.eurogamer.net/pokemon-go-moltres-counters-weaknesses-moveset-7002