Christmas won’t be complete without holiday decorations to make your house beautiful and livelier.
While decorating can be fun and exciting, making your Christmas tree look fuller is quite challenging.
Know how to make a Christmas tree look fuller for a better visual appeal and balanced look.
Top 10 Easy Ways To Make Your Christmas Tree Look Fuller
1. String Two Sizes Of Lights

Dating back to when pagans worship evergreens, the Christmas tree has become a symbol of holidays worldwide [1].
If you’re planning to decorate this holiday, the simplest way to make your Christmas tree look fuller is to string two sizes of lights.
You can use the same color string lights with mini and traditional-size bulbs.
If you want a traditional tree, you can go for incandescent bulbs or colored lights, giving artificial trees more body and look fuller.
2. Wrap It With Wide Ribbon
Whether you’re using a real or fake Christmas tree, another easy way to fill in bare spots is to wrap your entire tree with a wide ribbon.
This trick gives you a fuller tree since it covers the open spaces of Christmas tree branches.
Aside from lights, using wide ribbons makes your tree look more festive and beautiful.
Ribbons also add volume to it and allow you to play with different colors and decorative styles. But how do you make a Christmas tree bow topper?
3. Add Floral Picks
Besides evergreens, hawthorns and cherries were used as an alternative for a real Christmas tree [2].
If you got an artificial tree, you could use pine picks for the bald spots, making the tree fuller.
You can try this trick for a faux tree with uneven spaces by using a pine needle to add more volume to individual branches.
It also gives more shape to each branch and space for Christmas tree decorations and ornaments.
4. Wrap Sparse Areas With Evergreen Garland
Since an artificial Christmas tree has skimpy branches, the best way to give it a fuller look is to use garlands.
This is one of the top Christmas decorations you can use to adorn your stairs and tables, and it will surely step up the look of your tree.
With evergreen garland, making your tree look fuller is easy. You can also get more creative by using a contrasting color or ribbon with wired edges to make garland-style decor for a fun and festive Christmas tree.
5. Hang Larger Ornaments
If you got a fake tree with sparse branches, then there is no better way to make it look fuller than using large ornaments.
You can take inspiration for your faux Christmas tree from window displays with oversized ornaments, from a tree topper to bulbs.
Note that having more ornaments will not instantly make your tree become better. So, make sure to balance your decorations to have a great tree that’s pleasing to the eye.
6. Add Snow

Another creative way to make Christmas trees look fuller is to sprinkle some snow, giving it a magical and wintery vibe.
Whether you have a fake or real tree, it will make your Christmas tree look better.
Even if your tree has bare areas and fewer decors, it will give more volume, which is ideal if you’re into a real tree appeal.
So try this wintery look into your home - perfect for a white Christmas-themed decor.
7. Use Reflective Ornaments
A great substitute for Christmas lights, reflective ornaments have a big impact on making your tree look complete and perfect.
If using both, reflective and shiny ornaments will also reflect the lights on your tree, making it look full.
You can choose reflective stars or Christmas balls in varying sizes, designs, and colors.
Then, once you light up your Christmas tree, the reflective lights will tend to make your tree look fully decorated and have more body. Here are some small Christmas decor ideas.
8. Decorate It With Big Bows

Now, if you’re into elaborate decors, decorating your tree with huge bows will give it an added wow factor and make it look fuller.
You can make huge bows in varying sizes and designs and attach them to bare areas on your tree.
In addition, you can make a big tree topper with streamers to add volume and hide open spaces on your tree.
Just make sure that the sizes of your bows are in proportion to your tree.
9. Cover The Tree Stand
A tree skirt is also a great way to give your tree a bulkier look by covering the stand or trunk at the base.
Furthermore, a tree skirt makes your tree look complete and decorative even if Santa hasn’t delivered the presents yet.
This way, you can hide how skimpy it looks. However, if you’re not a fan of it, you can add boxes of presents at the base, so your tree won’t appear bare looking.
Read: When Does Disney Take Down Christmas Decors?
10. Fluff The Branches

Lastly, before you light up your tree or add other decorations, don't forget to fluff the branches to make your Christmas tree look fuller.
By doing so, you can determine how uneven your tree is, allowing you to add more pine needles if necessary.
Additionally, fluffing each branch gives you more space to fit in and know how many ornaments you’ll need. So before you decorate your tree, make sure to fluff it first!
How do you fill in gaps on a Christmas tree?
If you have an uneven or skimpy tree, you can fill in the gaps using floral picks. It is the easiest way to cover the bare areas and give your tree a fuller look.
You can also use large and oversized ornaments or wrap them with ribbons from top to bottom.
How can you make a sparse Christmas tree look better?
You can make a sparse tree better by adding white snowy touch to it. If you do so, you won’t need too many decors ideal for white Christmas - what a winter wonderland magic.
In addition, you can never go with ribbons, from making large elaborate bows to garland-style decor.
How do you make a prelit tree look full?
To make your pre-lit tree fuller, you can use different Christmas light sizes or add in large ornaments.
Also, you can use evergreen or colorful garlands to make it look fuller or wrap it with wide ribbons.
If you want to be extra creative, reflective and shiny decors can do the trick!
Make ‘Em Fluffy
With this guide, we hope you learned the easy hacks on how to make a Christmas tree look fuller for a fun, exciting, and festive season.
If you’re looking for the perfect presents for your friends and loved ones this coming holiday, surprise them with our Women’s Light-Up Christmas Necklace.