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New To Netflix: September 2018

What To Watch On Netflix Sep. 2018 Hello, all you wacky and wonderful people. I’m here to tell you guys about some of the awesome additions making their way to Netflix this month (Sep. 2018). A lot has happened in the Netflix world over the last month or […]

Aquaman: A Deeper Look

It’s summer and it’s hot out. One good way to beat the heat is with a nice dive into the deep end of a relaxing swimming pool. But then you remember that people pee in pools and that’s gross, so you struggle to find another way to cool […]

New To Netflix: Summer 2018

Well, it’s officially summer. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the noises of happy children swimming in hastily filled, inflatable above ground pools fill the air. It’s an unmistakable feeling. The possibilities are endless. You fashion yourself a new pair of cutoff shorts, rip the […]

Summer Movies To Smile About

Power-Packed List of Movies Coming to Theaters This Summer!
adult swim

Rick Sanchez: A Day In The Life

In this installment of A Day In The Life, we follow Rick Sanchez, a scientist, and a mentor.  We were lucky enough to catch a glimpse into the daily life of the enigmatic, often troubled personality that we have all come to know and love over the first three […]

New to Netflix: February Favorites

Every month Netflix adds a daunting list of movies, television shows, and original content to its ever-expanding catalog of binge-worthy entertainment. For many, this can spell disaster. With so many new options it can be difficult to navigate the sea of possibilities at one’s fingertips at any given […]

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